Application Security

Why you should invest in Application Security Vendor Assessment

Before contracting products or services, it is common for companies to request the presentation of security reports, such as vendor assessment in application security.

Likewise, suppose a supplier does not have a consolidated security culture or does not adopt good practices. In that case, this company likely presents severe application flaws and vulnerabilities. 

In the worst-case scenario, if a vendor suffers a security breach, it can consequently affect the security of its customers and users. We know that the impact of these events tends to be financially high and damaging.

The importance of vendor assessment

Similarly, vendor assessment can help organizations select vendors that adhere to security best practices. This could include adopting recognized security standards such as the OWASP Top 10, implementing regular security testing, and more.

In this sense, vendor assessment is essential for application security. It helps identify and mitigate vendor-related risks and ensures organizations work with vendors adopting security best practices. 

Companies are increasingly looking for suppliers and partners that adhere to these practices, and if your organization does not pay attention to this, it will certainly lose customers and partners.

Negative impacts when neglecting this process

Therefore, there are many negative impacts of neglecting to assess vendors in application security. To begin with, if organizations do not adopt proper security practices like this, other methods are likely to be ignored, which can lead to vulnerabilities in the application, making its security fragile and inconsistent.

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Likewise, many organizations must comply with data security, privacy, and other regulatory requirements. If a supplier fails to meet these requirements, the organization can be penalized or even held liable for any security breaches resulting from the supplier’s negligence.

Another negative impact, which most frightens organizations, is the financial impact. If a security breach occurs as a result of vendor negligence, there may be economic costs associated with correcting the breach, compensation to affected users, regulatory fines, and other expenses.

Furthermore, a vendor-related security breach can have a negative impact on the organization’s reputation, especially if the breach involves sensitive user data. This can lead to a loss of user trust and, in turn, damage the organization’s reputation and value.

Using Vendor Assessment

To ensure the efficiency of supplier evaluation, it is essential to have a highly qualified service. At Conviso, we offer the Vendor Assessment, a project that seeks to validate the application’s security and the organization’s development processes and environment.

The project is conducted per OWASP ASVS practices and with a white-box approach, differentiating it from other automated black-box solutions on the market, where visibility is lower, letting vulnerabilities and failures go unnoticed. 

In Conviso’s Vendor Assessment project, we seek to conduct as many tests as possible in a workload defined between the organization and Conviso. 

In addition, to ensure efficient project management and integration of the Conviso team with the company’s team, we register those involved in the Conviso Platform. This allows the entire process to be monitored and managed in real-time. Take a look:

Finally, the Conviso Platform also supports the process of defining action plans and monitoring the treatment of identified vulnerabilities. Everything is documented for consultation by any audits, ensuring that the organization always complies with data security and privacy standards. 

With Conviso’s Vendor Assessment, you can be confident that your vendor assessment will be conducted efficiently and securely.

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